To change any situation (especially solve a problem you made/regularly make), you must change your behavior, but to change behavior you must first change your perceptions/perspectives (the way you see the world).
Habit – Knowledge (what to do and why), Skill (how to do something), and Desire (motivation to do something). Need all three to turn something into a habit.
Habit Category: Independence – taking responsibility for yourself, self-mastery, character growth
Habit 1) To be Proactive
Taking responsibility for your life – choosing your response to stimulus; you are separate from your moods/thoughts, the opposite is being reactive – giving up control of your choices ie let other people tell you how to feel and act. Both nobody and no environment can make you miserable unless you choose to let them. “I have to do something” is a reactive phrase, proactive means you do something for a reason you are choosing.
Habit 2) To begin with the End in Mind
Define what you want to accomplish then design everything to meet that objective, ie for management you need to design leadership first. Write a mission statement which means to list values that you want to live and work by (ie hear both sides before judging, ask for other’s opinions, maintain a positive attitude, work on the task at hand instead of worrying about a promotion, etc) and use the mission statement as basis for all the decisions you make.
To write a mission statement you must explore the center of yourself (your most basic perceptions/perspectives, the way you see the world) because it affects your 1) security (your sense of self-worth/esteem), 2) guidance (the principles you use to direct your decisions), 3) wisdom (your judgment and perspective in life and how they fit together), 4) power (the ability to act and accomplish what you want).
The center of yourself must be a principle as a principle is unchanging (and this is what your security (1) comes from) and can better show you maps of guidance (2) and wisdom (3), which all helps empower you to be proactive (4). Centering your life around a different external center such as money, work, possession, family, etc. means your security (1) can be hurt, and your guidance (2) and wisdom (3) and power (4) will not come as naturally. Being principle-centered causes you to make decisions better and feel better about them, or more specifically you 1) proactively choose your decision based on reason (better able to evaluate options with less bias), 2) know your decision is sound because it is based on principles with predictable long term results, 3) contribute to your values in life, 4) you can more honestly communicate and work with people, and 5) you feel comfortable with your decision.
Habit 3) Practice the principles of personal management
Time management around your priorities, 1) importance to your mission and values, 2) urgency.
Of course, important and urgent items seem to be the top priority. Some people procrastinate by doing things that are urgent but not important. But you can improve things the most by doing things that are important but not urgent. You should spend the majority of your time in that area (Long-Term Important Goals).
Habit Category: Interdependence – cooperate to succeed together, communication
Habit 4) Think Win-Win
(both parties can succeed, ie if both people get a good deal they will keep doing business with each other), Five elements of agreements that must be explicit (to clarify expectations of both parties) are 1) desired results, 2) guidelines in which desired results will be accomplished, 3) resources available to accomplish results, 4) accountability or standards of performance to be achieved, and 5) consequences to occur if standards are met. Those who cooperate have to be rewarded and not the people who compete. Four step process that must be used to think Win-Win 1) Try to see the situation from the other’s perspective 2) Identify the key issues and concerns involved, 3) Make a list of results that to you will be a fully acceptable solution, 4) Look at new options to get those results.
Habit 5) Seek first to understand then to be understood
(the one habit that is easy to put to use immediately) Listening with empathy gives you accurate data to work with; instead of filtering somebody’s words through your world, try to see the world as they do. Fully understand their concerns first and then find a solution for the other person, not the one that solves your problems. Know that you can’t motivate people if you can’t solve their other needs (such as the important need to be understood and appreciated).
[The final material/habits – I believe it’s just fluff]
Habit 6) Synergize – Bring everything together
Habit Category: Continual renewal that leads to a better understanding of the other habits
Habit 7) Continually sharpen yourself and the seven habits
The successful people are successful because they work on things that the other people aren’t willing to do. Balance between production and production capability (ie pure labor vs learning/school), Work on everything at least an hour/day – Physical (exercise – 30 mins every other day, nutrition, stress management), Spiritual (principles in habit 2 that motivate your behavior), Mental (reading, writing, planning, habits 2 and 3), Social and Emotional (habits 4, 5, 6)